Treatment Name: Rakta Moksham
Treatment Centre: Ayuskama Rishikesh
Detail: Rakta Moksham or Blood Letting is a Traditional Ayurveda Therapy for Purification and Cleansing of human blood. Rakta Moksham is one of the most restorative Panchakarma Treatments where measured removal of blood takes place in order to neutralize deposits of Pitta causing several blood-borne diseases. Rakta Moksham is performed to eliminate toxins from the bloodstream through the gastrointestinal tract. Primarily there are two types of Rakta Moksham, Shastra Visravana where Blood Letting is performed using metal instruments and Anushastra Visravana where Blood Letting is conducted through Leech Therapy, Sucking with Cow Horn and Vacuum Extraction with vegetables like Bottle Gourd. Leech Therapy is most prevalent form of Toxins removal. Here, Indian Cattle Leech is applied to specific part of body and is made to stay there. Once the leech finishes sucking blood it is made to separate by sprinkling herbal medicine. Proper dressing of the affected part follows. Rakta Moksham is safe, painless and extremely effective Ayurveda Therapy for cleansing your system of toxins. Rakta Moksham is always administered under qualified Ayurveda Doctor.
Benefits: Rakta Moksham contributes immensely to Organ Detoxification, Immunity Boosting and enhanced Blood Circulation. Firstly Blood Letting eliminates toxins from your body and along with that it cures almost all kinds of disease which happen due to toxins accumulation. It treats skin disorders such as Urticaria, Rash, Eczema, Acne, Sacbia, Leucoderma, Chronic etching and Hives. If administered properly, it stimulates the antitoxic substances in the blood stream thus developing the immune mechanism in the blood system. It is also often effective for enlarged Liver and Spleen, Hemochromatosis and Gout. Rakta Moksham is recommended for all kinds of Arthritic Diseases like OsteoArthiritis, Rheumatoid Arthiritis and Psoriatic Arthiritis.