Treatment Name: Sanjeeva’s Medical Residential Spa Package
Treatment Center: Sanjeeva Ayureda Wellness Spa, Vedic Village, Kolkata
Detail: Sanjeeva Ayurveda Wellness Spa at Vedic Village is a Healing Center based on traditional therapies. It is surrounded by 150acres of organic farmland rendering it the most natural outfit in eastern part of India. Sanjeeva’s Medical Residential Spa Package is the most biotic wellness package. It combines major and minor sessions of Therapy along with daily yoga classes. Studio Accommodation combined with all resort facilities like Swimming and Gymming are available in this Medical Residential Spa Package. You have to undertake daily consultation with Ayurvedic Doctor and consume internal Ayurvedic medicines prescribed by him. Sanjeeva prepares Ayurvedic diet for residents based on Satvik Ingredients. The diet essentially offers Rice, Moong Daal, Barley, Pure Ghee, Milk and Honey. The salt used for cooking is Sindhava Salt which is the purest form of salt. For any Medical Residential Spa Package lasting more than couple of weeks, a comprehensive bio-chemical diagnostic analysis covering 71 key parameters is available. These parameters include Liver Function, Thyroid and most other functional disorders.
Benefits: Health conditions deteriorate as a result of a combination of stressors like pollution, stress, age, bad lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, faulty ergonomics, anxiety, depression and a range of psychosomatic factors. Sanjeeva’s Medical Residential Spa Package is designed to reduce the internal stress and depression level. It aims to undo the accumulated tension strata inside you. This Medical Residential Spa Package has designed your daily routine to scale down your external and internal activities thereby reducing your exposure to external stress factors. A virtual ‘rebooting’ of your systems calls for switching off and you are guided into a whole new healthy routine. Various diseases which occur due to stress like Migraine, Chlorestrol, Thyroid and Anxiety may find cure in this Medical Residential Spa Package.